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Fine Arts Day

Celebrating Shawnigan's talent and passion
From displays to performance to competition, Shawnigan devoted Wednesday to celebrating the fine arts.
The artistic smorgasbord began with a morning chapel service dedicated to the presentation of Fine Art Colours and Awards.
After the final day of regular classes concluded, students convened in and around the Hobbies Building for the annual Fine Arts Fair. Featuring static displays of visual art, film screenings, a fashion show, and sidewalk chalk art by houses, the relaxed fair was enhanced by beautiful weather and open mic musical offerings.
The annual Inter-house Fine Art competition also wrapped up on Wednesday, with an illustrious panel of judges selecting Strathcona, Kaye's, and Lonsdale's as the top three displays to adorn the Jim & Kathryn Shaw Library.
After a BBQ in the quad, the entire school gathered in the Hugh Wilkinson Theatre for the year's final Fine Arts Concert, with dancers, film-makers, musicians, and singers performing for a lively and energetic audience. The show ended with a presentation of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody by the cast of We Will Rock You, accompanied by student musicians.
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.