News Detail

Work Day - Painting

One of the most important aspects of an EDGE Trip is giving back to the community that have hosts us and educated us about their culture. On our way to the village of Koswak, we bought paint and painting supplies for the work ahead. On the first day living in Koswak we repainted their community center. When we arrived the paint was in need for a fresh coat, so team was given different jobs to prepare the wall for the repainting. Some of us scrapped glue off the wall and some of us scrubbed the wall with broom & water. After the wall was cleaned, we began the painting - some of us edged the walls and some people rolled paint on the wall. After a few hours of hard work and patience, the inside of the all was done and we also began to paint the outsides of the building as well. While we painted we watched high school kids pass by and play in the basketball court. Though the sun was burning through we withstood the challenges with working under an uncomfortable situation. We are all very appreciative for this opportunity and being able to be able to get out of our comfort zone and be able to help others that are in need. Hopefully by day two we can finish our work there and get a start on fixing their community kitchen right beside their community center as well. We are so glad that our small contribution can help this big community, and hearing them speak so passionately about nature and spirituality made it much a more satisfying experience. - Jerry
Now our Edge Costa Rica team is staying in the Bri Bri community which is located close by the borders of Costa Rica and Panama. Yesterday and today we painted the community Centre. It seems like a simple work, but we were under the Sun for a couple hours. We kept switching out the people, and we communicated a lot with people form Costa Rica. I felt very accomplished and connected to the team members by helping out people. I just realized how much we have in our normal life, and how well treated we are. - Kokona
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.