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Joined by our Hearts

Heart and Soul – April 1, 2020

Reverend Holland gave the following address during the livestream presentation of Heart and Soul, our community gathering time, on Wednesday, April 1. His words are shared here with his permission.
Good morning, everyone. So this is our first time gathering as a virtual community and it’s almost unimaginable how much the world has changed, isn’t it, since the last time we were together? Some of that’s positive – we’ve slowed down, we’re reconnecting with friends and family – but there’s also been so much loss, so many things that we wanted to do together, so many plans that we had that we’ll have to put off.  

And of course amid all the loss, the greatest loss is that of our beloved friend Peter. And although in the days to come we’ll find a time to properly honour him and celebrate his life among us and remember him in the specific ways, we really can’t gather today without acknowledging the pain and loss and shock that we all feel. Peter has left us at a time when we’re not able to come together physically. We’re not able to share the consolation of a warm hug, so we’re left with warm words. We’re also left with the knowledge that even though we’re spread out across the world, isolated from one another, the friendship and the love and the concern for Peter’s family is just as real. 

In a moment you’ll have a time of silence, and I just encourage you to imagine during those few moments that as we’re spread out across the world, we’re joined in the most important ways. We’re joined by our hearts, by our care for Peter and his family and for one another. I look forward to talking to you more in the days ahead, but mostly I look forward to seeing your faces again. 

Reverend Holland
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.