News Detail

Grade 9 Outer EDGE

Paddling on
As this year’s word shirts proclaimed, the word of the moment at Shawnigan is “Adapt.” While the Grade 9 fall Outer EDGE trip could not go ahead as a whole grade, multi-day camping expedition, Outdoors Coordinator Eric McDonald adapted the usual trip model to instead create a series of sea kayaking day trips, in which smaller cohort groups of Grade 9 students were able to explore the varied coastline and wildlife of the Gulf Islands National Reserve.

For many of the students, this Outer EDGE expedition was their first experience of sea kayaking, and presented a great opportunity to explore a beautiful area that is only 15 km from Shawnigan’s campus. The Duxbury and Groves’ House groups both braved some heavy rain and did well to keep their spirits up, while the weather for the rest of the House trips was more typical of balmy late summer on the West Coast.

“These annual trips focus on exploring the local landscape and engaging with the culture of beautiful Vancouver Island,” shares Mr. McDonald. “The purpose is to immerse students in outdoor adventure journeys and shared common experiences. The idea is that, when faced with real-life situations, students are forced to make decisions, and even mistakes, that will enhance their education beyond the scope of any textbook.”

Mr. McDonald will continue to develop optional EDGE experiences for students throughout the year, and both Grade 8s and 9s will participate in a spring EDGE program at the end of the year that will build on skills learnt during their fall trips. These essential skills also help to create a bridge to Shawnigan’s international service EDGE trips, which are primarily offered to students in Grades 10 through 12.

Shawnigan Lake School is adhering to all COVID-19 guidelines released by the BC Ministries of Health and Education, including those regarding learning cohorts, physical distancing and mask-wearing when appropriate.
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.