News Detail

Heading into the Home Stretch

As we return from our reimagined November break, I am delighted to see the renewed energy in our community as we head into the home stretch of term. On my morning walkabouts this week I have had the pleasure of witnessing engaging lessons on hydrology, measuring egg velocity, math Kahoots and other exciting in-person teaching and learning moments. Our teachers have become masters of change management during these challenging times and are regularly providing stimulating and motivating educational experiences for our students.  I am extremely proud of each of them.
As many of you will have heard, due to a rising number of COVID cases, Dr Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, has announced tighter restrictions for British Columbians over the next few weeks. Our Shawnigan COVID Response team is busy interpreting her orders and the implications they will have on our Shawnigan School community.  What is clear is that we are meant to stay local and tightly within our own community and that individual actions do make a difference. The safety of our staff and student community continues to be our top priority as we navigate the final few weeks of term.
In light of the rising number of COVID cases in BC and on the island, the students have initiated the ringing of the School Chapel bell at 7:00 pm each evening to honour our healthcare workers across Canada.  Our staff developed this initiative in the spring, and the Houses will take over for the remainder of term.  Every night at 7:00 pm we will be reminded of the global crisis beyond our gates and we will give thanks to those on the front lines of this second wave of the pandemic in Canada and beyond.
As we have done over and over this year, we are looking at ways to safely recreate some of our important traditions here on campus.  I am delighted to report that we have an exciting festive season planned full of spirit, cheer and giving.  Our annual campus light-up (Festival of Light) and end-of-term dinner will go ahead with modifications and events such as pajama day and jersey day are sprinkled in along with festive House activities to create a strong and enjoyable end of term. I look forward to sharing each moment with members of our Shawnigan Lake School community.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.  Stay safe.
Richard D A Lamont
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.