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Soul Seeking Fair

Grade 12 students’ Soul Seeking projects came to fruition this week when they presented the results of their hard work to staff members and fellow students.
Soul Seeking projects take a variety of forms — students can pursue nearly anything they are passionate about, with research, mentorship and reflection components — and fulfill the capstone requirement for graduation in BC. On Monday, the oldest students presented their Soul Seeking projects in the library before presenting again in their advisory groups. Although the library presentations were an important step, they were marked on their presentations to the smaller groups.
Topics covered by the Grade 12 Soul Seeking projects this year included everything from restoration of classic vehicles and video projects to poetry books and volunteering. One student tackled different structures of European castles, while another researched the origin of their family name.
Students in Grades 8-11 had the chance to view the Grade 12s’ presentations and ask questions that will help them with their own plans. Grade 8-10 students will present their own Soul Seeking projects at the end of May, while Grade 11s are in the first stages of the two-year projects that they will present in Grade 12.
The Soul Seeking process begins in October, when students first visit Mentor Hubs to explore the various skill sets and knowledge available to them from staff members and find sparks of inspiration. Advisors and mentors are there to help them throughout the process, but it is up to the student to take the lead.
“Things that we stress during the process are developing a plan, seeking mentorship — whether that is inside or outside the School, and journaling: making note of if they had to change course on their project, and how they accomplished that,” said Ms. Alison Dewis, a university guidance counsellor and a member of the committee that set up the Soul Seeking fair.
The top presenters from all grades who show the most evidence of inspiring others, creating continuously, and embracing passions will be selected to pitch their projects later this spring in a competition for three $500 scholarships.
We acknowledge with respect the Coast Salish Peoples on whose traditional lands and waterways we live, learn and play. We are grateful for the opportunity to share in this beautiful region, and we aspire to healthy and respectful relationships with those who have lived on and cared for these lands for millennia.