Well-Being on Campus: The Benefits of Acupuncture

The health and wellness of students and staff is important at Shawnigan. With that in mind, the School offers many health and wellness services. This year, the School has brought an acupuncturist on board. School Counsellor Jennifer Tully and acupuncturist Brook Paulin explain the many benefits of this ancient practice.
If you find yourself wondering about the role of acupuncture in academic and athletic pursuits, or you find yourself yearning for balance in the chaos, there are many benefits to consider.
Our Health and Wellness team at Shawnigan includes an acupuncturist who is a registered practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine in good standing with the CTCMA of BC and a professor and clinical instructor at Pacific Rim College in Victoria.
The World Health Organization has recognized over 200 afflictions that acupuncture is able to address, but did you know that you do not need to be sick or injured to try acupuncture? In fact, in historical times, the acupuncturist would not get paid when a patient was sick; they would only get paid if their patients were well.
In regard to general wellness, here are just some other areas in which acupuncture might be applicable for a student, member of the staff, or as a part of the community at Shawnigan:
Stress and Anxiety Management: Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in reducing stress and anxiety levels. High academic expectations, peer relationships, and living away from home in dense environments can contribute to heightened stress. Acupuncture sessions can provide a calming effect, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
Improved Sleep Quality: Some students may struggle with irregular sleep patterns due to academic pressures, homesickness or other factors. Acupuncture can aid in regulating sleep by addressing underlying issues such as stress or insomnia, promoting better overall sleep quality.
Enhanced Concentration and Mental Clarity: By promoting better circulation and balancing energy flow, acupuncture may contribute to increased mental clarity and cognitive function.
Emotional Resilience: Acupuncture, as part of a holistic approach, can support emotional resilience, helping provide the internal resources to navigate feelings, process trauma, and build coping mechanisms.
Digestive Health: Some students may experience digestive issues due to changes in diet, routine, or stress. Acupuncture can be beneficial in addressing gastrointestinal concerns, promoting better digestion, and alleviating discomfort.
Pain Management: Acupuncture is well known for its effectiveness in managing various types of pain, including headaches, muscle tension, and joint pain. Students or staff engaged in sports or other physical activities may find relief through acupuncture sessions.
Immune Support: The collective living environment of a boarding school can sometimes lead to the spread of illnesses. Acupuncture may contribute to overall immune system support, helping to prevent common illnesses and reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.
Hormonal Balance: Some may experience hormonal imbalances that affect mood, functional capacity, and overall well-being. Acupuncture has been suggested to help regulate hormonal fluctuations, providing a natural approach to addressing these challenges.
Sports Medicine: As a part of a sport medicine regimen, acupuncture can be a versatile tool to enhance athletic performance, support injury recovery, and promote overall physical well-being. Athletes at this developmental stage often face rigorous training schedules, intense competition, and the potential for sports-related injuries. Acupuncture, with its holistic approach, can play a helpful role in addressing specific issues related to sports medicine.
• Injury Rehabilitation: Acupuncture can be integrated into the rehabilitation process for sports injuries. It may help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and promote faster recovery, enabling athletes to return to their training and competitions with minimized downtime.
• Pain Management: For athletes experiencing chronic pain or discomfort from intense physical activity, acupuncture can serve as a non-pharmacological method of pain management. It targets specific points to release tension, reduce muscle soreness, and enhance overall mobility.
• Enhanced Athletic Performance: Acupuncture's ability to improve blood circulation and optimize energy flow can contribute to enhanced athletic performance. Athletes may experience improved endurance, agility, and focus, providing a competitive edge in their chosen sports.
• Stress Reduction: The pressure of academic or workplace responsibilities coupled with demanding training schedules can lead to heightened stress levels among athletes. Acupuncture sessions can help manage stress, promoting relaxation and mental resilience, essential for peak athletic performance.
• Muscle Tension and Tightness: Athletes often grapple with muscle tightness and tension, which can impact flexibility and range of motion. Acupuncture can address these issues by promoting muscle relaxation and reducing stiffness, aiding in injury prevention.
• Joint Health: Acupuncture has been associated with promoting joint health by reducing inflammation and supporting the body's natural healing processes.
• Preventive Care: Acupuncture can be part of a proactive approach to preventive care, helping to identify and address potential imbalances or weaknesses in the body before they lead to more significant issues or injuries.
  Please click here for more information about Health and Wellness at Shawnigan
Jennifer Tully has been a counsellor at Shawnigan Lake School since 2021. She has an extensive background working with children, youth and families. She is passionate about mindfulness, social emotional learning and inspiring young people to find new and helpful ways to make positive changes in their well-being.
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